Community Council
1-833-792-1046 (fax) -
Monday – Friday
8:00AM to 4:30PM
Justice-Involved Workforce Pipeline
To create a stronger workforce pipeline from regional correctional systems by leveraging institutional knowledge and WIOA adult program funds to place justice-involved jobseekers in sustainable work opportunities with area employers.
An Employer-led Solution
Area employers have indicated a willingness to provide sustainable employment opportunities to regional residents who are exiting or have recently exited the correctional system. These employers have requested support from regional service providers to identify and address barriers facing this population. In addition, employers are seeking resources to manage the risk associated with hiring justice-involved jobseekers, and coordination with partners in workforce and corrections to improve their long-term employment outcomes.
Through this partnership, regional employers leverage WIOA adult funding to hire justice-involved jobseekers on a temporary basis via On-The-Job (OJT) contracts. A consortium of area probation officers, Adult Basic Education (ABE) providers, and Job Counselors from DEED workforce service partner Inter-County Community Council (ICCC) work together to ensure those opportunities lead to permanent employment.
Risk Mitigation
The following resources reduce the risk, perceived or actual, that employers face when hiring justice-involved jobseekers. As a result, employers are often able to loosen offense-related hiring restrictions.
- WIOA Adult Programs / OJT
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- Federal Bonding grants
Public Partner Organizations
- Inter-County Community Council (ICCC)
- Minnesota Department of Correction (MN DOC), District Probation
- Roseau County Jail
- Pennington County Jail
- Adult Basic Education
- Tri-County Community Corrections
- Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (MN DEED)
- Northwest MN Private Industry Council
*Sponsored by MN DEED