Community Council
1-833-792-1046 (fax) -
Monday – Friday
8:00AM to 4:30PM
ICCC Board of Directors
Inter-County Community Council (ICCC), a private non-profit agency that started in April 1965 by a group of local people to combat poverty. A 20-member Board of Directors hired three people to provide services at ICCC. Over the years, ICCC has increased its focus on eliminating poverty and became a Community Action Agency (CAP). ICCC primarily serves Red Lake, Pennington, East Polk and Clearwater Counties. The Employment and Training Department serve an extended service area.
Pennington County Board Members |
Seth Nelson | County Commissioner |
Carrie Fricke | Eligible Participant |
Frances Tougas | Special Interest |
Clearwater County Board Members |
open | County Commissioner |
Lee Forsberg | Eligible Participant |
Morgan LaFerriere | Special Interest |
East Polk County Board Members |
Joan Lee # | County Commissioner |
Bonita Shaver ~ | Eligible Participant |
Katie Hedlund | Eligible Participant |
Red Lake County Board Members |
Eric Mickelson | County Commissioner |
Jessi Dessellier | Special Interest |
Rachael Walser | Eligible Participant |
At Large Board Members |
Amanda Asp | Special Interest |
James DuChamp* | Elected Official |
Kristine 'Kiki' Anderson | Special Interest |
* = Chair ~ = Vice Chair # = Secretary/Treasurer
Inter-County Community Council is an Affirmative Action / Americans with Disabilities / Equal Opportunity Community Action Agency.
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